By-Donation Community Classes

YogaSpace is delighted to offer two weekly By-donation community classes. Suggested donation $10 but any amount coming from your heart is acceptable. A portion of class proceeds donated to a charitable organization. Charities are changed every season.

Community class with Rob and Saeeda.
Community class

Thanks to the selfless service of our teachers and your generous donations over the years, we've been able to give thousands of dollars to many worthy charities and organizations (see the list in sidebar).

If you have a particular charity that you would like us to consider for our By-Donation Yoga classes, please let us know!

Yoga classes by donation:

  • Tuesdays at 12 Noon

See Schedule

Keep a lookout for Pop Up Community Classes on Sundays!

Charity of the season

Studio Support - help YogaSpace continue their mission of bringing yoga and access to yoga for all to the community

Our Mission

At YogaSpace, we are passionate about teaching "real" yoga in a variety of styles, that is accessible and applicable to our busy modern lives. Our intent is to foster growth, transformation and soul connection for each student so that you can break through blocks, heal old wounds, get inspired, feel empowered and be your BEST SELF!

We teach the psychological, spiritual and mystical aspects of yoga as well as the physical practices that most people associate with yoga. No dogma. No religion. Just real yoga for real people!

Our intent is to provide exceptional yoga instruction in a safe and welcoming environment that strengthens and nurtures the physical body while calming the mind… so that YOU can bring YOUR gifts to the world with more clarity, purpose, poise and power.

  • What students are saying...

    "Thank you, Yogaspace, for the community yoga classes! I gratefully attend Rob's excellent Sunday afternoon classes. My twin daughters also attend when they can. Our family is financially squeezed by medical expenses; the by-donation class is a godsend." — JM